a blog about an Essex girl living in Swansea, chatting about baking, rowing, other bits and bobs, and some crazy teaching times in India

Read About Me

Welcome to my blog, you lovely person. Thanks for taking a peek at it!

It's mostly a jumble of my thoughts, my baking, recipes of mine, pictures, and lots of ramblings. I suppose it's about as organised as my room. Lots of little boxes with different things in them; you'll never guess until you take a look. Disguised with pretty packaging but sometimes the contents aren't quite as beautiful...

My name is Naomi. Miss White if you want to be more formal.

I'm a student at Swansea University, spending my year living in Welshland and also in my hometown in Essex. I'm a big fan of my family, and I miss them terribly when I'm not there. It's not always bright and rosy happy families in the White household, but I think it's all the mismash of arguments and crazy times that make us all so much closer.

I am doing a degree in English and Politics, currently possessing almost a small library in books for my course and for my own interest. Some are untouched, some have far too many creases in the spine and lots of pages folded over in some sort of attempt at making an instant bookmark. Bridget Jones is the most battered. I'm a typical girl.

I row and cox at uni - so I try and pile as much exercise as I can into my week. This kind of justifies my eating habits... Cake, cake and more cake. I bake a lot, especially cupcakes, but I want to branch out. I like lashings of buttercream and heap in as much sugar as possible; such a sweet tooth!

Cake love.

I have some really fab friends. In Swansea and in Essex. They're my faves, and I don't know what I'd do without them. They're also superstars for putting up with me and my crazy habits.

I'd love for you to keep reading my blog, would definitely make my day. If not my year.

That's me in the middle. We are all wearing checked shirts on purpose, I promise.
